Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Out By 25

My friend's and I talk about the future a lot, which is understandable, considering we're 22-23 years old.  When it comes to the future, we focus on a lot of things, but lately, we've been talking about moving out of our parent's house.  My friend's can't wait for that to happen, which makes sense since everyone wants to move out of their parent's house by then, but I feel differently than they do.  Yes, I'd love to be on my own, and have the freedom to do as I please, but I already have that.  And while my parents can be a drag, they love and support me.  My friends think being on their own would be all good, but I think a lot of my friend's underestimate how difficult it is to live on their own, paying their own bills, etc.  I may not know, but I've lived on my own before.  Also, what if something unexpected happens that forces them to stay at home?  Then what?  So many questions that still need to be answered.  Yes, it would be ideal to be moved out in a few years, but it's not ideal to expect things to go to plan because life isn't that way.  It's tough for some to fathom, but as my parents have gotten older, I've grown more appreciative of them, which is why I still love being at home even though it can be hard.  People always complain about their parents, but once they're gone, they're gone, so make the most of the time you have with them.  You make think you're ready, but you wouldn't be without them. 

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