Saturday, August 31, 2013

The End Of Summer

Summer isn't officially over for another month, but it feels over to me because I start school soon.  I'm sad summer is basically over, but I'm glad things can progress with my life since being at home can be a drag sometimes (even though I enjoy it mostly).  If I had to reflect back on my summer, I think it's been pretty successful considering how I felt when school ended in May.  I felt good that I did well in all my classes, but was saddened that a good majority of my friends were leaving to begin their lives in new places.  And to make things worst, I didn't even write much.  Luckily, I was able to blog a lot, be with family, and I met someone unexpected who has impacted my life for the better; she's amazing!!!  I may not have accomplished all my goals for the summer, but overall, I did everything I wanted and felt good about myself.

To celebrate the end of the summer, I thought it fitting to post this Arthur episode where he goes crazy that he lost the list of things he wanted to do before the summer ended.  He thinks he wasted his whole summer until he realizes he didn't and appreciates the summer after all.  Hope you all enjoy!

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