Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Moved In

I meant to blog yesterday as soon as I moved back in to my small place in Lowell, but I had a difficult time moving in from start all the way to finish.  My troubles started at home, where I had to pack so many things last minute like food, shampoo, and I had some other errands to do to, such as pick up my sheets from the laundromat.  Luckily, they were all washed, but they were heavy to carry and tired me out.  After that, my dad and his friend drove me back to Lowell where they left me to get settled in by myself.  I didn't mind that, but I was hungry, so I regretted not going with them to eat.  It was probably for the best though since it was so late anyways.

When I moved back in, the first thing I noticed were how many bugs there were (such as spiders and such), so I had to kill all of them until they were demolished.  That may sound harsh to some of you, but if you know me or read my other post on bugs, then you know how much I despise them.  Once they were all gone, I cleaned and scrubbed my room with lysol wipes and paper towels, cleaning as much as I could.  That took forever, and with the humidity, it felt like it was 100 degrees in the room, but I got it done.  I took a break after that, then looked at the room as a whole.  It was the same room I had when I left in May, but there were a few small changes, such as the radiator being removed to be fixed, and a new refrigerator.  I didn't mind the changes, but now I had to figure out how to arrange the room.  Doing that didn't take long, but unfortunately, I still had to unpack all my stuff, which seemed like less in the car, but was a ton in my room.  That took almost an hour, and had me sweating so much, I had to wipe myself down every few minutes, but I pulled it off.  Although I did make some mistakes, such as bringing a blanket sheet instead of a bed sheet, and having no fan, it was nice to finally be moved in and have this episode behind me.

Now, time to focus on school, which starts for me tomorrow.  I've already picked up my rented books, which is a relief since I've never rented before, so I was worried how the process would be, but it was smoother than I expected.  I've checked my class schedule, and have everything set, so I think I'm ready for school, even though I am worried.  Here's to lots of success in and out of the classroom though!

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