Friday, September 6, 2013

Having "Backbone"

Have you ever heard the saying that a person has "backbone"?  If you never have, then you must be confused when you hear this question because all humans have backbones (at least I think they do), but this is really an expression.  When someone says that a person has "backbone", that means they're strong and are able to deal with adversity.  Of course, it helps to have a real backbone too.  Unfortunately, I feel like I haven't had any backbone at all recently because of school.

I recently went back to college as those of you who have read my blog know, and started school on Wednesday.  The first day wasn't so bad, but yesterday was overwhelming with all the classes I had to take, the work assigned, and the juggling of classes since I was dropping classes to switch into ones last minute.  To make things worst, a teacher I had was kind of rude, which did not help the day at all.  I started to break down when I got back to my place in Lowell, cause I just didn't have the backbone to deal with everything, but luckily my friends cheered me up.

I have my class schedule finalized now, and while I'm still trying to figure things out, for the first time since I've been back, I feel calm, even though the future is uncertain.  I may not always have "backbone" when it comes to school, or when I just feel like crap in general, but when times like that happen, I'm glad I have my friends to support me because they really do help keep me focused and positive.  A lot of people try to get through life on their own, and while that's possible, it's very difficult, which is why you should all accept and be grateful of the friends you have in your life.  Yes, I know we're all strong people individually, but we wouldn't have "backbones" or be the people we are without friendship.

To my friend's all I can say is thanks you all!

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