Sunday, September 8, 2013

Online Classes

One thing every parent says is that "Education is the key to success".  As a child, I dismissed that notion because I knew money was they key to success.  Little did I know though, that most people (besides the really fortunate and lucky) need an education to achieve that sort of wealth.  So with that, like every child, I went to school.  And I did well (especially from 5th grade through middle school).  Once high school came along though, I realized I was just an average student, which wasn't a bad thing, but it made getting into good colleges tougher. 

I eventually got into college, but it wasn't easy getting in, and it hasn't been easy getting through it being by myself and with difficulty in classes.  I think I do okay in the classroom setting, but I dislike the other students sometimes, as well as some teacher's teaching styles.  Because that's happened numerously, I've taken a few online courses, which have proven to be surprisingly successful.  Whenever I take an online class, I'm always a bit nervous and confused because I still have to get used to everything being online, and I wonder how the teacher sets everything up, but after a few days, I get used to it.  The only downside is being motivated sometimes, but I always motivate myself when I have to.

My only downside with online classes and what colleges do is charging extra them (sometimes close to $1,000).  I understand colleges need to make money like any business or school, but in my mind, I feel as though they shouldn't charge extra for something we're already paying so much for.  Also, there can be some disadvantages, such as if the teacher is bad, or if the internet doesn't work; all things out of our control.  I know colleges will never change, but I think it's politically incorrect to charge so much for something that can make the difference between a grade and graduation.  Colleges are supposed to help students by giving them an education, but sometimes I question how they can when they take money out of hard working people's pockets.  Alas, as my friend said C'est la vie (that's life).  I suppose even though my family has to pay more, I'm grateful just to have an alternative to the class I had, and a chance to continue my education.  Something not many people are able to do.

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