Monday, September 23, 2013

Pesky Sleep Habits

As I'm awake way earlier than I usually am, I can't help wishing I was asleep like most people, but I can't help it.  Lately, I've had trouble sleeping for whatever reason.  I go to sleep early, and I wake up early, or when I sleep late, I still wake up early.  Every time it happens, I can't go back to sleep, almost as if I have insomnia.  I'm not surprised this happens since weird sleeping habits run in my family, but it's a struggle when you have to go to school, or just need a good night's sleep to get over what's on your mind.  I'm hoping my habits change, but at the same time, I'm hoping whatever is on my mind takes a break.  I've had enough stress as it is, and don't need lack of sleep to be one of the new contributing problems.  Life is tough, but at least I can say, only 3 months left of school. 

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