Saturday, September 28, 2013

Having A Facebook?

Facebook is one of the most recognizable companies in the world, connecting billions of people daily.  But for those who know me (or those who read my film review of "The Social Network"), they know I haven't had been on Facebook for three years.  At the time, there were a variety of reasons why I got rid of it, with the most important being that I needed to focus on schoolwork.  When I first off of it, it was hard not being on it all the time, but after awhile, it slowly disintegrated from my life.  Now I don't even really miss it.  Yet, as I approach three years off, I wonder if it's time to come back?

I'm wondering this because in one of my classes at school, they mentioned with the job market currently, it's a lot easier to get a job with social media.  I didn't know if that was true since I don't know the job field that well, but thinking about it, it made sense.  Jobs and companies can look at your Facebook or any resume site such as LinkedIn, and decide if you're the right person for the job.  Since I'm a person who doesn't know what their future holds, maybe it'd be worth bringing back Facebook for that reason.  Along with that, it could bring exposure to my blog, which is something every blogger wants.  To be honest though, I think I'd want to bring Facebook back just to be able to connect with my friend's since they're all so far away, and texting can only work for so long.

Of course, there's concern with privacy and dividing time on it, but that concern is everywhere.  Sites are better protected now, and I think I have more restraint than I used to.  The question still remains if I really want to go back though, especially since so many people say Facebook is useless and it sucks (yet they can't get rid of their own Facebook).  Whatever I decide though, there's no doubt social media and technology is the present and that's where the future is.

What do you all think though?  Do you think Facebook is a necessity in life even with its pros and cons?

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