Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Asian Fanbases

There's an old saying in sports and music that "a fan is just a fan", but I don't believe that's true in either case.  U.S fans are great, passionate, and supportive, but I think they differ compared to Asian fans who go all out on everything.  Case in point, in the U.S., athletes are cheered and thought of as role models, but in Asia, they're thought of as Gods.  If you don't believe me, watch Kobe Bryant's reception when he was in China for the Olympics, or watch Tracy McGrady this past year when he went overseas.  Asian fans care a lot to the point where it's almost ridiculous, and it's not just with sports. When it comes to music, they seem more understanding and receptive than Americans.  For example, many people in the U.S automatically write off an artist if they didn't write the song themselves or if they aren't what's popular right now, but in Asia, groups I enjoy such as 2PM don't write all their songs, but they are still loved, so I wonder why there are differences?  Is it because Americans want true authenticity with their artists, or is it simply that we all have different tastes, and it depends on the person.

I'm not trying to offend anyone or start anything here; this is just an observation I made.  But I'm curious what everyone else thinks.  Have you seen this trend too?  And what do you think of it?

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