Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Teacher's Responsibilites

I don't like to rag on teacher's much, especially since I almost thought about becoming one, and I know how difficult their job is.  They have to teach people who are sometimes rude and unmotivated, and they have to do it for little pay (at least from what I've heard).  I'm not even really bashing them this time, but something recently happened to me with a teacher, which I could stand.

The thing that happened between my teacher and I is that I sent her an email, and it took her over 24 hours to reply back.  I understand that teachers have lives, and are busy like everyone else, but if you say in your syllabus that we can email you, I expect it to be done quickly, which would be convenient for everyone.  Unfortunately, my teacher doesn't check her email on weekends, which isn't helpful, and her syllabus has been confusing.  Despite that, I will say that her class has been good so far.  She just has her own way of doing things.

My point of this post isn't just to vent my email frustration to everyone.  It's to say that teacher's have a responsibility to help their students no matter what.  I know college professors/teachers say that a student failing isn't their problem, but it can be if your methodology is unjust, or you don't help the student, such as by not responding to emails.  Also, there's teacher evaluations, which colleges really do look at.  Like I said, I'm not here to bash teachers; I hate waiting for help that I was promised I would get.

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