Sunday, September 15, 2013

Being There For My Parents

Yesterday, my parents had the second and maybe last yard sale they'll ever have.  I say "last" because they barely made any money, which may have them rethinking yard sales in the future.  I was right in how I thought things would turn out, but I didn't want to be right because in a perfect world, I would have wanted us to succeed and have yard sales in the future.  I know that sounds crazy, especially with how much I've bad mouthed yard sales, but the older I've gotten, the more time I want to spend with my parents, whether it's at a yard sale or just being at home helping out.

I know I'm in the minority in what I'm saying, but I guess I'm traditional.  My parents helped their parents out the older they became, and I guess since I'm older now, I want to be a good son to them and help out anyway they can.  The mindset of many people my age is that they cannot wait to move out, and while I understand where they're coming from, I don't think it's that bad.  Sure, parents can rag on us sometimes, and we do the same to them, but they're always there to support us.  And in the end, while it may not seem like it, I think they want what's best for our interest.  I know people my age will move on from their parents no matter what, which is fine, since I know someday we'll all have to do it.  All I'm saying is to be there for your parents when they need it, and to appreciate the time you have with them because the older you get, the harder it is for things to work out.  I'm not always in the mood to be around my parents, but I never question my being there for them.  I just hope the older I get, they can count on me, the way I've always counted on them.

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