Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I'm Livin' For The Weekend: My Top 20 Weekenders Episodes

After many months waiting, I have finally finished the list that everyone has been waiting for: My Top 20 Weekenders Episode.  This seems like an odd list that would be what everyone has been waiting for, since you think they'd want something film or sports related, but I've looked at my statistics, and they show that people like my TV show posts and The Weekenders.  Mix them both together and you got my list.

For those of you who don't know what The Weekenders was/is, it was a TV show that aired on ABC in 1999, during the One Saturday Morning block.  The plot of the show revolved around 4 kids, Tino, Lor, Carver, and Tish as they got through their everyday lives with real word issues.  But the show had a few trademarks that made it distinct, such as only having things happen during the weekend, and having everyone wear different clothes.  Along with that, they also had numerous running gags, such as the local pizza joint changing every episode, Tino's mom's cooking, and everyone misunderstanding Tish's mother.  It was a great show, and while it was on, it was one of my favorites.  That's why when I finally got the DVDs, I was so excited to re-watch it and experience the memories.  It took a long time to do it, but now that I've had the free time to watch every episode and compile it, here's my finalized list.

20. Throwing Carver: Tish takes an art class at the museum, and makes her first masterpiece, a statue of Carver.  The only problem is that it's hideous, and the guys (especially Carver) don't know how to tell her.  This episode was great because it tackled the real life issue of how to tell someone something hurtful.  Although, I wish real life was as funny as this episode.  

19. Shoes Of Destiny:  Carver gets new shoes and is accepted by "The Cool Kids".  Now that he's cool though, he can't hang with his old friends anymore and has a tough decision to make.  This episode is here because I can relate to it in so many ways with my struggle to get cool shoes growing up.  I never really did to be honest, but luckily, people in college don't care.

18. Super Kids: After a seminar by a snotty, successful kid named Trip Nickerson, the gang decides they aren't doing anything with their lives and decide to try different things.  I remember this episode solely for how annoying Trip was yelling all the time, but I felt for him too since he was lonely.  The guys way of taking him out in the end was a sweet moment in this episode.

17. To Each His Own: Everyone in the group wants to go to different events that cater to their social interests, but no one is interested in what the other wants to do.  This episode screams real life since I think people are always put in situations where they do things they don't want to do.  I don't remember much humor in this episode, but I thought it was cool we got to see every person's individual interest.

16. Dead Ringer: Everyone has to sign up for a sport, but Tino's usual choice, chess, isn't there anymore, leaving him helpless until he discovers horseshoes.  Too bad it embarrasses him though.  This is another episode I could relate to because I stunk at sports back then, and I still do now.  I don't even think I'd be good at horseshoes, but I'd love to try.

15. Home@Work: Lor fails another exam, and has to pass her next one or else her dad is sending her off to military school.  Can the guys help?  I think this episode is hilarious because of how everyone tries to help Lor.  And who can forget Tish's annoying scream, along with the fact that video games save the day yet again.

14. Pudding Ball: The guys compete in the annual Pudding Ball competition, except it's Tino and Tish vs.Carver and Lor.  Personally, the plot of this episode is one of the simplest in the series, but I just love the whole competition aspect of it, and the fact that it reminded me of laser tag as a child. 

13. Murph: After one kid doesn't like Tino, he fears other kids don't like him, but it's only this one kid Murph, which Tino can't understand.  Because of this, he tries to do anything to gain his approval, which leads to hilarious and truthful results.  This episode speaks to the real life truth that no matter what you do, even if you're not bad, someone will dislike you.  Although, painting their house would be a good way to start changing that.

12. Best: Tino doesn't win a "Best" superlative in the yearbook, including "Best Tino", so he and the guys try to find something he's the best at.  I think this episode speaks to something everyone has wanted since childhood, just to be good at something.  And when you look at it that way, this episode is sweet.  Also, how could Tino not win "Best Tino"?  He's the best!

11. The Awful Weekend: We start off with the guys messy, injured, tired, etc, yet they can't stop laughing.  Why is that the case?  And how did they get to where they are?  This episode is fantastic to me because it shows how even when life sucks, as long as you have laughter or your friends, you can get through anything. 

10. Taking Sides: Carver costs Tino and him the pool championship by showboating, leading to a fight between them, and a rift between Lor and Tish as they must decide who was right.  I think the life lesson here is obvious, DON'T SHOWBOAT!  But it's hilarious to see Tino and Carver fight, along with Lor and Tish.

9. Tickets: Tino wins tickets to Chumbucket after being the 1,000,001 customer to order from the snack shack, but he can only take one friend, leading to hilarious competition between everyone, agonizing decision making for Tino, and one of my favorite endings of the whole series.  Everything is better when you spend it with friends.  And always read the fine print!  After playing so much Yu-Gi-Oh, I think truer words were never spoken.

8. Lone Wolves Club: Tino is invited to the exclusive and highly desired Lone Wolves Club, but the only way he can be a member is to do embarrassing things and leave his friends.  He's okay with doing one of the options, but obviously not the other, leading both parties to question what's right.  This episode is really funny because of all the nonsense Tino does, but I think it's high on my list because of the deepness of it.  Tino has to decide if he should ditch his friends, and when they find out, they have to realize if it's the best thing for him to leave. 

7. Vengeance: Carver is humiliated by this girl named Christy, so for the whole episode he tries to get revenge on her, which he eventually does, but he's too nice a guy to really do anything mean.  I loved the ending of this episode since it showed how much of a better person Carver and real people can be when they walk away from a situation.  Plus, after seeing him yell "CURSE YOU", that's what I do all the time now.

6. Secret Admirer: Someone has the hots for Carver, and it's driving him crazy trying to figure out who it is, but after he realizes who it is, he's not so happy anymore.  This is a sweet episode in the series because it's about love, which I always like.  While, it of course has humor because it's an animated TV series, it's serious in handling issues such as being shallow.  I do love how in this episode though, we find out Carver's head is pineapple shaped while Tino's is pumpkin shaped.

5. Nevermore: Halloween is here, which Tino is excited for, but the rest of the guys feel too grown up for it.  Will Tino spend his holiday alone, or does he have a plan up his sleeve to show his friends the true meaning of Halloween?  Out of all the episodes of The Weekenders, this one may be the most memorable because of the setting, which was a spooky living room, and all the lines and jokes in this episode, such as "Creepington, and "I'm Living' For The Weekend".  Who could also forget Tino's threats to his friends or his passionate speech?  Watching this episode, I was reminded of my own Halloween experiences, which were disasters. This also spoke to me of "It's A Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown", which is the highest compliment I can give anything.

4. Tino's Dad: The final episode of the series, and it's a memorable one to say the least.  Tino see's his dad for the first time since the divorce, which he's worried about, but it all turns out fine.  After the initial dust has cleared though, he realizes he has no time to spend with him.  Usually last episodes are the first on my rankings, but not this time.  I enjoy the episode since it truly shows the power of a father-son relationship, as well as friendship, but there were just a few episodes I enjoyed more.

3. Real Fake: The guys are videotaped by a student who tells them to be themselves.  By real, the guys think they have to be the people from their favorite TV show Teen Canyon, leading to hilarious and questionable behavior from our protagonists.  With the whole reality world craze we're in presently in, I thought this episode was perfect with the acting from all the characters and humor.  I just wish real reality shows had heart like this episode did.

2. Makeover: After Lor receives interest from Thompson, she catches the eye of two conceited girls who want to change her to look like a supermodel and get Thompson for good.  Luckily, in the end, Lor gets Thompson's attention, and does it by being her beautiful self.  I believe this episode is ranked number 2 for me because a guy or girl can relate to it.  We all have self esteem issues, but if you're a good person, then your beauty will show.  It also shows that you should never change who you are for someone else.

1. Worst Holiday Ever: The gang spends their December holiday together with Lor's granny, only to get stuck in the RV during a snowstorm.  It ruins their weekend plans, but they keep each other company by telling their worst holiday experiences, which were all diverse and different.  This is my number 1 episode because I love the plot of the episode, the overexaggerated humor, the ending, and being stuck talking with my friends over the holidays is something I always wish could happen.

All I can say after this is "Later Days"!  I hope you all enjoyed the post.

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