Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Building #19

Weeks ago, my parents and I went on a trip to a place I haven't been in ages, Building #19.  If you've never heard of it, it's because they're only around the New England area.  But even if you do live in the area, you still might not have ever heard of them.  They're known for selling eclectic, unusual merchandise, and all their stores being different, but the truest way to describe Building #19 is to put it bluntly, junk!  And I feel bad saying that, but going back there, I was disgusted with what I saw. 

The place was disorganized, the people working there looked miserable, and the merchandise was shoddy.  I know some of that is to be expected since Building #19 is basically a large discount or thrift store, and they buy things that are discontinued, damaged, etc, but I still expect more than what I saw.  It's one thing to sell things cheap to customers, but to sell stuff that isn't good quality seems like bad business and bad politics.  How does that help anyone at all?

In the end though, I don't want it to seem like I'm bashing Building #19.  They're a business like any other, trying to help people who don't have as much, which I understand.  I just wish the place was kept in better shape, or had a facelift, or something.  Something to get it to this century.  I used to love going to Building #19 as a child and shopping there, but now I'm hesitant stepping in another one.  Of course, despite how I feel, I'm still glad there's some place helping people, even if the merchandise isn't perfect, because it's better to have something than nothing. 

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