Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Looking Back At Text Messages

A question I've always had on my mind is if other people are like me when it comes to their phones?  When I ask that, I mean, do they do the same things I do on my phone, which are call people, surf the net, or look back at old text messages?  I know that the first two examples I gave people do frequently, especially the way newer phones are, but I do wonder if they look at old text messages?  I feel like people nowadays are too busy to look back at old text messages, and if they do, it's probably just to check something, not to think or feel happy about something like I do sometimes.  Maybe that's a bad thing since it makes me dwell on the past sometimes, but it helps to remember the conversations you had with someone, which to me is important, since sometimes I think we're too busy to pay attention to people and their actions.  If that's the case, at least we have their words.  People may despise writing or find it tiring at times, but we do it all the time when we text. 

My question out of all of this is, do people put a lot of thought into their texts before they send it to people or do they just not care?  Also, like I asked above, do they ever look back at text messages?  And if so, what reason?

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