Thursday, August 8, 2013


Being alive for 22 years, I've had my fair shares of sickness and viruses like anyone.  As a child, I liked being sick since I missed school, but the older I got, the less fun it was.  Sure, I'd miss school, but I'd feel miserable and not be productive, which is never a good thing.  For the past few years, I've taken pride in the fact that I haven't been sick besides a few upset stomach's, but that streak ended today as I found out I was sick with two different things.

The first thing I found out I have is this thing called coxsackievirus.  I know the name sounds ridiculously funny, but believe me, it's no joke since it caused bumps on my hands and feet.  The other thing I have is more common, which is strep throat.  I've researched both extensively and gone to the doctor, yet I have no idea how I caught both of these.  It's a shame since I could one day catch these again, but at least I figured out what I had since I had been feeling sick since my last post on Monday.  Whenever I usually have an announcement and feel terrible, I take time off from blogging, but this time, I won't because there's nothing else to do.  And I mean that literally since I'm contagious.  I may be down, but I'm certainly not out, so I will keep on blogging even though I'm sick.  I just pray I get better since it sucks not being able to go outside or eat, and I want to enjoy my last month of summer before going back to school.

With that all being said, does anyone have any suggestions/tips on how to get through this?  I could use all the help.  

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