Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Jimmy Fund Radio-Telethon

The Jimmy Fund Radio-Telethon begun yesterday and is ongoing into today, which for those of you who don't know, is the telethon to help strike out cancer.  Usually, when I listen or watch it, it's hard not pay attention to how hard everyone is trying for the event, whether it's the people taking donations, to the people fighting for their lives.  Their stories are inspirational, but even if I didn't pay attention to the event, I'd still donate because everyone is affected by cancer.  And in a perfect world, we'd all like to get rid of it.  Something like a few dollars may not seem like much, but believe me, it is.  It's one of the reasons why I donate, and why if I ever make it as a writer or am just fortunate enough to have some money, I'll donate to the Jimmy Fund and other charities because it's the right thing to do, and helping others is always a good feeling.  Here's hoping to the Jimmy Fund's success along with all the other charities doing something for a good cause.  The road may be tough for them, but I know they'll reach their goal.

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