Friday, August 2, 2013

High Blood Pressure

Yesterday, I went to the visit the doctor for my annual checkup.  It's something that only lasts about 20 minutes, but to me, it feels like hell on earth.  You may think I'm exaggerating, but if you've lived the life I have health-wise, you'd dread going to the doctor's too.

My appointment overall was good.  In the past, my weight was the thing that messed up my health the most, but this year, it stayed the same from last year.  I'm still a little overweight, but I didn't gain anything which is good.  The thing that really stunk though was my blood pressure, which was 140/85.  Since its been a constant problem the past few years, my doctor recommended I see a cardiologist for medication.  I should probably feel happy that something could actually help me control my high blood pressure, but I don't because I've been to a cardiologist before, and it's a pain in the ass.  Plus, I've tried hard to change my diet a lot this year from salty foods to healthier choices, so it's a shame that it didn't pay off.  I guess I just made a mistake, or genetics was just too much because my family has a history of high blood pressure, among other health problems.  Maybe I shouldn't worry only being 22 years old, but I'm not a child anymore.  These things are real now.

A few years ago, the term high blood pressure was foreign to me, but now it feels like I can't go a day without hearing about it.  I still don't fully understand everything about it, or what causes it genetically, but I'm determined to work my hardest to lower it since I want to improve my health, and live a long and healthy life.  I know it'll be hard with genetics, and all the food and stress I go through on an everyday basis, but I have no doubt I can fix it, medication or not.  I do wish I could stop feeling so depressed sometimes, but I can't control that all the time, so I'm just going to try to be the best me possible.  And it starts now! 

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