Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston Marathon Tragedy Thoughts

Usually, when it comes to the current events in the world, I tend to have an opinion on it, but when something like what happened at the Boston Marathon happened, I'm honestly thrown off.  I understand it's a tragedy, but I can't fully comment on it until more facts are released.  I understand it's easy to place blame, but I don't think it's right to do that yet.

One thing I can do though is say how I feel, so here it is, even though it isn't much...
  • Like everyone, I am saddened that this tragedy occurred in the first place. Patriots Day is supposed to be a relaxing day off, where people can enjoy the marathon, but unfortunately, some sick minded individual/s thought otherwise.  Any time people get hurt is terrible, but I am glad many others were unharmed.  
  • Kudos to the police, doctors, ambulances, and anyone else who helped aid those who were hurt from this ordeal.  
  • This tragedy reminds me of the Virginia Tech incident only because I remember it happening during the Boston Marathon many years ago.  Two different events, but two terrible tragedies.
  • My dad, and one of his friends running in the marathon were down there today, but thankfully none of them were hurt.
  • An event like this makes you grasp onto life a little more, and makes you think of think of life from a different perspective.
  • Boston is hurt right now, but we'll get through this ordeal together.
  • Lastly, my thoughts and prayers to all those affected from the tragedy. 

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