Tuesday, April 16, 2013

More Boston Marathon Tragedy Thoughts

Whenever I blog about an idea, I try not to do the same subject twice, but I had to write about the Boston Marathon tragedy again because I was in Boston today, with more feelings than I had yesterday.  Here are some of them...
  • Walking in Boston, you can see the effect the tragedy has had on the city.  People seem sadder, places like South Station were emptier, and police were everywhere.  I even saw armored vehicles for the first time today.
  • Hearing President Obama speak today gave me some answers and hope, though I don't know what kind.
  • Reading all the stories of tragedy and triumph was truly moving.  
  • Re-watching the explosion video again brought tears to my eyes for various reasons.  The pain, the sound, the fact that the people there were just normal people like me and you, who weren't looking for trouble, but somebody wanted to give it.
  • Sports is secondary to this, as it should be, but it's a nice when athletes do nice things to help out for a cause, like Danny Amendola offering to donate money for his catch totals next season.  It shows that athletes aren't as stuck up as they look on TV, and that sports can help people move on.
  • Lastly, the word terrorism has been used, which has caused many people I know to rush to conclusions, but regardless of who did it, everyone shouldn't discriminate against a whole race or ethnicity because the person/people who planted the bombs don't represent the majority.  What I'm technically saying is, don't discriminate.  It's already political enough, so let's not dirty ourselves in it. 

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