Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Bad Boy

As I've been expanding my K-Pop repertoire, one thing I've done is avoid popular artists like PSY, since I want to discover artists for myself on my own, and I already know what most of his music sounds like.  But one group that I've changed that rule for is BigBang.  They're one of the most popular K-Pop groups out there with their members G-Dragon, T.O.P, Taeyang, Daesung, and Seungri (V.I), and their eclectic music and sound.  They're K-Pop, but their music is a mix of so many genres, it's almost as if a symphony is playing together as one.  The first song I listened to by them is "Bad Boy", a song about a guy a who treats his girl badly.  In the past, their music was too loud, or hip-hop and R&B for me, but this song is beautiful, smooth, and has me thinking about so much.  Enjoy, and take it all in!  It's genius! 

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