Saturday, May 3, 2014

Dim Sum

In honor of my grandma's birthday a few weeks ago, and Mother's Day and Father's Day not too far away, my siblings and I decided to take them all out for dim sum in Chinatown today.  Dim sum, for those of you who don't know, is when you eat and pick food being wheeled in carts, with the tab being marked by what you order.  To be honest, it's not my favorite way of eating because I don't like always like the food, can't speak the language, and you can lose track of the tab, but my grandma likes it, so I was willing to do it for her.  And luckily, it turned out to be a great family gathering.  There was some arguing and fighting (like there always is, it seems), but it was good to get together and spend time with family; it really makes you appreciate what you have in life, and shows why dim sum truly does mean "Touch the Heart"!

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