Friday, May 23, 2014

The Distance Between Us

A few months ago, back in November, I posted a blog post about a song called "Selene 6.23" by SHINee.  I didn't say much about it besides that it was an orchestral ballad, and that is affected me very much.  Since then, I've expanded my K-Pop repertoire to various idols/groups, but one thing that has stayed consistent is that I think this is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard, period!  The language doesn't matter.  The song is about unrequited love, and how a person compares his love to the moon because it's so far away, and they don't feel like they'll ever get closer to it.  I'm really not doing it justice by describing it, so you'll just have to give it a listen.  I usually never re-blog about the same thing twice, but with everything I've been through the past week, I've had a lot on my mind, causing me to look at my own moon.

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