Thursday, May 15, 2014

B+ In Spanish

Today, I received my final grade of the spring semester, which of course was for Spanish (if you couldn't guess).  I had received all A's in all my previous classes, but didn't expect much for Spanish because I had just done good to average work during the semester.  I would have taken any grade in the class, as long as I passed and didn't have to take it anymore.  Much to my surprise, though, I looked online and saw that I got a B+ in the class, something which shocked me.

In some ways, I know why I got the grade I did, but it's still a surprise to do well in a class I didn't think I would; I mean, I did participate a lot in class, do the work, and do well in other areas, but I only got B's on the tests, and made blunders in other areas.  I'm so happy I did well ,though.  Languages have always been an area of uncertainty and weakness for me, and are one of the sole reasons why I had to stay an extra year in school in the first place.  So to do well in something I didn't know that I'd ever pass is one of my highest achievements, truly showing that effort and hard work pay off.

Thanks to my teacher Max for being the best Spanish teacher ever, and to my classmates in class who made the tough times bearable.  I couldn't have done it without you all.

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