Tuesday, May 6, 2014


I recently read an interview in Sports Illustrated about Jabari Parker that I found really interesting.  In the interview, he talked about how unfair it was that basketball players had to go to college before going into the NBA, essentially using the old argument, if a player can serve their country at 18, why can't they go into the NBA?  To some degree, I agree with Jabari, since everyone deserves to make a living, and it's unfair that college athletes cannot accept benefits when they make so much money for their schools.  Especially, if some of them are going hungry like Shabazz Napier said they do.  But please, stop using the 18 argument.  I've heard it for so long now, and I'm sick and tired of it.  Going into the NBA at 18 and serving your country are two completely different things.  One, you're doing to earn a living, while the other is to serve your country, which is honorable.  I'm not saying making a living isn't important, but in the case of the NBA, most players who enter straight out of high school have maturation issues, and could benefit from at least a year of college.  I'm not saying I like the NBA age restriction rule, especially since there are a few exception players like Kobe and Lebron, but even they didn't win right away.  And as we all know, they've done some stupid things in their lives.

My issue is with everyone being obsessed with the number 18.  They think it should be the age people drive, drink, vote, etc, but the reason it isn't that way everywhere in all states is because most people aren't responsible enough to handle the responsibility.  You might think they are, but if you look at the way people are sometimes at 18 or even older, it's clear they aren't.  They might not like it, but that's the law, which I think everyone should obey.  Now, time to move on with the issue. 

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