Monday, May 26, 2014

What A Wedding!

This past weekend, my sister and her fiance (now my brother-in-law) got married.  It was a joyous occasion, where two people celebrated their love for each other, but it was a day I wasn't really looking forward to, to be perfectly honest.  It's not that I have anything against weddings.  I just didn't know what to expect.  My family has been talking about this day for almost a year, so now that it was finally here, things were chaotic.  There were lots of arguments and yelling over finances and plans, we all had to pick out clothes, I had to learn how to use a video-camera last minute, and since I had never been to a wedding before as an adult, I was afraid I would make a mistake; it was so much, that it had me emotionally and physically drained, but when the moment came, I couldn't be happier.  My sister and her fiance's big moment was finally here, and everything went smoothly.  The day was long, but it was a great wedding day!

A few things I took away from my sister's wedding day was how important family truly is.  Everyone obviously know that, but we don't always say it or show it, so seeing it in person really made me appreciate my family for who we are and how much we've grown.  Not just my siblings and I, who have grown up a lot since we were children, but my parents, who have grown up wiser.  I also took away how magnificent churches really are as a structure.  I had never been in one before, since my family is not overly religious.  Everything I had ever seen of a church had just been a picture, but seeing it in person is a different experience because of all the architecture and paintings.  Lastly, I just took away how important love is to me.  I used to believe I'd get married, but now I'm not sure anymore.  I've struggled so much in the area that I don't know what the future holds.  But one thing I do know for sure is, that I still desire love, and it's still one of the most important things I value in life.  People hate weddings because it's so political and institutional, but being at one in person changes you.  On the outside, I may be the same person, but inside, I feel different.  I can't explain it, but I can feel it.    

Who knows what the future holds for me, but that's a story for another day.  For now, I just want to say congrats to my sister, Heather, and her husband Nick.  I'm so happy for you both.  Hopefully, I and others find our special someone someday...

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