Thursday, May 29, 2014

Mercury And Recycling Centers

I'm one of the few people I know (besides my dad), who still listens to the radio frequently.  And I'm not talking about car radios.  Those don't count because they don't use batteries, which my hand radio uses.  I love listening to my radio, but the downside is like light bulbs, the batteries in them can't be thrown away after they're used up because they contain mercury, which can't be thrown away because of how toxic it is.  Sure, you can throw it away, but if it leaks, the substance won't leave your house and can spread all over.  It's pretty nasty.

With all the knowledge I have of the subject, I feel like I know enough, but I wish I had known more as a child, since with how conscious I am, I wonder if any risks have ever occurred?  I also wish that there were more recycling centers, bins, or safety areas where we could dispose of materials because there aren't enough of them around.  They have them at stores like Home Depot, but we need something more convenient, especially if it's for our safety.  A lot of people may say that something like this isn't important, but mercury exists, just like carbon monoxide for our carbon monoxide alarms.  If we have protection for that, why not this?

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