Sunday, May 4, 2014

Suiting Up For What's Ahead

With my sister's wedding being less than a few weeks away, you'd think I'd be happy for it, but I'm kind of not.  Don't get me wrong, I'm happy she's getting married, and making the next big step in her life with the one she loves, but planning the wedding has been stressful from the arrangements, food, guest lists, and most importantly, the cost.  I'm not even directly involved in it, yet I feel drained from the whole experience.  Yesterday, didn't make things any better though, as I had to go out and buy a suit for the wedding.

Buying a suit sounds like a luxurious thing from the way they portray it in the media, but since I've never gone to any formal event, or had a job interview, I've never had to wear a suit before.  In the past, I always wore nice dress clothes, but this time, I couldn't do that.  I went to the suit store with my parent's yesterday not having any prior expectations, besides knowing that the suit would be very expensive, and expecting the process to be a pain.  But surprisingly, it didn't start out that way.  At the beginning, everything started out great, with the employees being attentive and very helpful with me, but after trying on suits and pants, they got antsy just because I gave them my wrong pant size by accident twice.  How was I supposed to know jean sizes are different from pant sizes when almost 100% of the time, I wear jeans?  Or know you aren't supposed to wear suit pants low?  I eventually got pants, but they had to be tailored because they were a size too big.  It was bad enough having to buy suits, but then have employees get angry at me because I make a mistake.  I'm the employee.  You're supposed to be serving us.  We're giving you business to pay for your salary.  You're not supposed to make me feel worse just because I'm a little bigger than most people.  It's a shame that even though I lost weight, there's still always more work to do, or that people seem to favor "beautiful" people in society.  But then again, things have always been like that.

All in all, yesterday was a pretty miserable day, besides the morning when I had dim sum with the family.  It was cool getting new clothes to some degree, but honestly, I hope I don't ever have to buy a suit again because the experience was terrible.  But at least I'll be ready for my sister's wedding ahead.  And hopefully, that day is better than what yesterday was.

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