Thursday, October 3, 2013

Making News Out Of Nothing

I go to a lot of sites daily, but I don't know if there's any site I check more than ESPN.  Even when I still had Facebook, talking to friends was nice, but I couldn't check on them all the time, like I could with sports.  Unfortunately, and frighteningly, now you can do that with Facebook, but ESPN is less creepy than that.  Their sole purpose is to bring everyone in the world all the important relevant sports news in as many different ways possible.  And for the most part, I think it does that, with good articles, videos, chats, and interesting personalities.  It's not perfect, but I couldn't go a day without it, unless I was stranded in the middle of nowhere with no technology.  Despite how I feel, there is one thing I can't stand about ESPN.

The thing I can't stand is their choice of stories sometimes.  I understand like any news outlet that you have bad/slow days, but some of the stuff is so irrelevant and pointless, that I'm amazed anyone (including myself) even cares.  Case in point, the recent interview with Michael Jordan saying he could beat Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, or any player one-on-one.  It's interesting, but I don't think it's newsworthy enough to be one of your top news stories.  This is a hypothetical match-up that will never happen.  And for those who take what MJ said really seriously, it's just his opinion.  He is the greatest NBA player ever!  Plus, what's he supposed to say, "I can't beat them"?  C'mon, MJ taught everyone everything.  This is good conversation with your friends, or in barbershops if you talk sports, but this is not news, so I don't understand why it matters, along with so many other stories like top jersey sales or personal lives of athletes.  We can find that stuff anywhere online, but when we want plain old sports, that's when we want ESPN.  One of the best brands in the world!

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