Friday, October 25, 2013

Public Speaking

I consider myself a good writer casually or in school, but when it comes to public speaking, I loathe the thought of it.  It's not that actually talking is difficult for me, it's what comes out when I eventually do open my mouth.  Thankfully it's words, but unfortunately, they're either out of place or terribly stuttered, which leads to a variety of embarrassing things.  Something I am all too familiar with.  As a child through high school, public speaking in things like presentations worried me.  I could do them if I memorized what I had to say, but I didn't, I was monotone.  Then I incorporated hand motions, which were helpful and took pressure off me, but they were distracting.  Now, after a years of struggles, I think I have it down.  There are times when I still struggle, but when it comes to things like presentations, I can do it well if I know the material and just relax, such as by chewing gum beforehand or drinking water.  A joke now and then isn't a bad idea either.  I still have my worries like other people, but I realize in a few minutes, it'll all be over.

Out of curiosity, what's the toughest thing for you when it comes to public speaking?  And how do you cope with it?

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