Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Resume's are something that confuse me.  Maybe it's because I've never worked before, or maybe it's because they have so many rules to them, but regardless, something about it irks me.  Yesterday, I went to the Career Services Office at my school and met with a career counselor to talk about my future.  Besides writing, I didn't know what else I wanted to do with my life, so we tried working on different resume's to see how it would look for someone like me with no experience.  To me, the process seemed impossible based on what I had heard, and the people I knew with amazing resume's, but the person I met with was amazing, and really helped me.  Thanks Dana!  Even though I don't know when I'll start my resume, or if I'll be by again any time soon, it's nice to know my situation isn't hopeless.

The thing that irks me though is that resume's decide so much of a person's future.  I understand why companies base so much off of it since it lists accomplishments, and tells a lot about a person in a limited amount of space, but it seems so contradictory for companies to do.  They want to hire someone who represents the company well, but how can a piece of paper tell anything about me?  If social media isn't accurate, it seems ridiculous to me that a piece of paper is worth so much, but I guess that's why I've never worked.  I know eventually I'll have to someday, but it seems to wrong to me that's the way things are.  

Do you guys have any resume tips for a novice like myself?

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