Friday, October 18, 2013

Baby Mama's

A term that is loosely thrown around in our culture is the term baby mama, which honestly, is a term that befuddles me.  On Facebook, it was used for women who wanted to be "married" to each other, and for celebrities, it is someone who is not married to the father of their child.  It has other meanings, but these two are the most used that I see.  In hindsight, I suppose it is not a big deal because people have children with different people all the time, but when it's accepted or praised in culture, I think that is when it's a problem.

Case in point, Adrian Peterson, the all-pro running back from the Minnesota Vikings.  His son he had died a few weeks ago, and there was a lot of media coverage over it.  Everyone felt sorry for AP and gave him praise for playing on Sunday, but I think they lost sight of the fact a child of his died that he never met before.  I understand he was the biological father, but someone else raised him.  I'm not here to bash AP because I think he is a great athlete, and he's been through a lot.  I just get disgusted with the way sports culture and most of America is, thinking it's alright to just have children with anyone.  Having children is a huge responsibility, so if you cannot do it, then you should not do the deed.  But that does not stop athlete's such as Antonio Cromartie and others having multiple children from many various women.  Some even praise it or think it's cool, which is a damn shame.

I know what I'm criticizing is nothing new, and adds on to the list of many reasons why athlete's are not as great as they seem sometimes; it's just that these people are more privileged then us, and are supposed to be role models, yet they overuse the power they have.  And when they do get caught, they act like they're sorry, or think they can just pay someone off, but that's not enough.  When someone has a child, being financially sound is nice, but more often then not, they need parents, and they can't have that if there father is someone who just doesn't give a damn.  I know what I'm saying only speaks to a minority of athlete's, and that there are many who are happily married that love their wives/husbands.  It's just a shame sometimes that they do not get our attention.

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