Sunday, October 6, 2013

Washing Your Hands

College students do a lot of disgusting things when it comes to their behavior.  They have bad eating habits, drink too much, smoke, etc.  But the thing I dislike most about them is that most of them don't wash their hands.  Now I can't speak for women because I've never been in their bathrooms, but I've been around college guys for over 4 years, and I can tell you that a majority of them don't do it for whatever reason.  Is it because of the way they were raised, the fact they're short on time, or coolness?  Because let me tell you, whatever the reason, there is no excuse.  It's not hard to do; it only takes 10-20 seconds.  And believe me when I say that even though it is basic, it saves lives and stops the spreading of diseases.  Part of how I feel is probably because of my germophobia, but another part of me hates people who do this because they put others at risk with their disgusting habits.  Change it UP!  It will be beneficial not just for college campuses everywhere, but for yourself. 

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