Tuesday, October 1, 2013


As I sit here trying to blog, there are so many thoughts that go through my mind.  I'm thinking about class tomorrow and what that will be like since something big is going to happen.  I'm thinking about next week and all the essays and tests that will begin.  I'm also thinking about my friends I love who aren't with me right now.  But one thing for sure I'm thinking of is my family, who I miss and can't stop thinking about.

It seems obvious that a person would think about their family since everyone says it's the most important thing in the world, and while I believe that's true (besides maybe friendship and love), I don't think about it positively all the time.  Sometimes I dislike the fact I have to share a room with my brother, how my sisters nag, and how my parents often ask me to do irrational things, but at the end of the day, I miss them.  I miss them because I'm away from them, and because of everything we've been through together.  Also, even if I did get what I wanted, like my own room, or being a famous writer, I'd still feel lonely.  Yes, I'd have friends and potentially relationships, but they can only go so far.  They didn't know me when I was a year old, and didn't grow with me through the childhood experiences.  Even though I'm grateful and spend more time with my friends, I always remember where I came from, and am proud to say who I am and how I feel (even though it's hard sometimes).  I guess I need to change and be more open, but one thing I know will never change is my love for my family.  We have our ups and downs, but that's normal, which is why I hope everything we have lasts a long time.

To family and all the important people in our lives <3

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