Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Halfway There

I am officially halfway done with my hectic essay/midterm/project period in my mind, since I've already taken one midterm, and I've done or attempted most of my projects.  There's still one I haven't started, which worries me, but I did do an outline.  Still better then nothing in my book.  I was really stressed before, and while I still am, I feel better than I did a few days ago, which is always good considering I have high blood pressure.  I need to take it easy, especially during this busy period of the semester.  One thing I will say though, is that today was one of the best days I had in awhile.  Nothing really happened to me; I went to class, ate, and stayed in working on my essay, but I suppose the point is that I progressed and the day itself was calm.  Most people hate days or jobs where they do habitual things, but I don't mind knowing what to expect.  In life, this is one of the few times I have that luxary, so I'm grateful for it during this midterm period.  Of course, despite the positive feeling I have, I know I need to continue working to graduate.

If only getting an education wasn't this tedious, or so necessary compared to the past.  But I've come this far; I can't stop now.  For all you others in school, I hope you're all staying strong  or getting by during this time.  It's all we can do...

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