Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pokémon Then And Now

Like many children growing up in the 90s, I grew up during the Pokémon craze/era.  When it first appeared on TV, I didn't understand it or think of it differently then any other show on at the time, but after a few episodes, I was hooked.  I probably should of tried watching Dragonball Z, Gundam Wing, or stuck to Monster Rancher, but I didn't have cable, and new episodes of cartoons were only on Saturdays, so I was stuck following Pokémon to death.  I collected cards and bought the toys, but nothing brought me more joy than the video games when they first got released on Gameboy  in 1998.  I still remember my sister getting the first red Gameboy Pocket and Red Version, which was a little over $100 (which would be a bargain now).  Back then, she never let me play it, but I still remember sneaking around and playing it when she was asleep.  Those were the days, and that was the time when most of my friends played Pokémon.

Of course, things change.  After not being able to play a game of my own, I got Silver version when it first it came out and treasured it, playing it endlessly and trying to become the best.  I don't know if I ever succeeded in it, but I think I held my own.  As I got older though, I started playing it less and less, and focusing on things that would become the focus of my life (family, friends, school).  Despite my distance, every now and then, I would find time to try and play the newest versions of Pokémon.  Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald were fun since I thought the play on elements was nice, as well as things such as diving.  FireRed/LeafGreen version were improvements from the originals, but that's all I thought they were.  As for Diamond/Pearl/Emerald version, they were okay, but nothing special.  Then Pokémon HeartGold/Soulsilver got released, which remade my favorite generation of Pokémon and did it so well, with its graphics, and incorporating the old and the new.  Obviously, it could never wow me the way Silver version did the first time because that was the first time you could call people on the phone, and deal with times of day, but it was great to revisit that again.  And lastly, there's Black/White version, which I barely played any of because I hated the Pokémon and the confusing storyline.  So as you can see, even though I am mostly detached from Pokémon, it's still a part of me.

That brings me to the new games coming out this week: Pokémon X/Y.  I don't know much about them besides from the videos I've seen and stuff I've researched, but it looks great.  The graphics on the 3DS look amazing, the new walking and battling should be fascinating, and some of the new Pokémon such as the mega-evolutions and tyrannosaurus Pokémon look absolutely bad-ass.  I always think of Pokémon as a game franchise that can never top itself, and for the most part I don't think they do (besides on rare occasions), but this game looks great, and could bring major interest from old and new fans if it hasn't already.  Pokémon may have come out over 15 years ago, but it's just as strong now to me with its new additions and technological improvements.  Although, America and the media aren't as into it as they used to be, I don't mind because it lets us true fans focus on the game we grew up with and love.

Now I wish I owned a Nintendo 3DS, but I don't, so I can just dream about the Pikachu one I want, and think about what it will be like when the game is finally released.  I usually don't get excited for games, but I can't wait for this one, something I haven't said since Generation 2.    

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