Monday, February 3, 2014

Young Adult Film Trailers

"The Perks Of Being A Wallflower" trailer

I just saw a trailer for "The Fault In Our Stars", a film adaptation of the novel of the same name.  I enjoyed reading the book, so hearing it was being made into a film was a welcome surprise for me.  Once I saw the trailer for the film though, I shook my head.  It wasn't bad, but I didn't think it looked promising either with its characters, sappy music, and terrible lines.  You probably think I'm being harsh, but I'm not.  I just hate the way Hollywood promotes films from young adult books.  Everyone knows that the book version of something is usually always better because of the content you get from it, so when it becomes a film, from the trailer, they all look the same because they all have similar attributes.  I know every film is going to be different because of the author, but that still doesn't change how I feel about trailers from films based off young adult books.  They look stupid, so when I see them, I'm not surprised why they're criticized the way they are.  

Of course, I know how it feels being a author/fan of film, so I hope these films do well.  I don't know everything; this is just an opinion.

"The Fault In Our Stars" trailer, with many of the same qualities

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