Friday, February 7, 2014

Coca-Cola Commercial Controversy

In my Sociology class, we talk about people for the most part, but on Tuesday, we broke the norm when we talked about the Super Bowl.  I honestly had no idea why we were wasting time on it because the game was disappointingly a blowout, but we focused on something other than football.  We focused on the commercials, two in particular.  One was the GoldieBlox commercial about girls being able to play what they want, which I thought was awesome being a Gender Studies minor.  The other one though, was the "America The Beautiful" Coca-Cola commercial.  I wasn't surprised by its content since Coca-Cola always has interesting commercials, like their Simpsons one, but I was more surprised that it was receiving controversy for the reasons it was.

One of the obvious reasons the commercial was receiving controversy was because it had a homosexual couple in it with their daughter.  I can understand the shock seeing it since we aren't used to seeing homosexuals in commercials, but it isn't a big deal.  Homosexuals are people just like everyone else, and they just want to be accepted.  No matter what your beliefs are, I think you have to at least respect that.  The other reason it was controversial, which I didn't understand, was because it had different people singing "America The Beautiful" in different languages.  It was a beautiful and patriotic thing, but a lot of people didn't like it because they think we only speak English in this country, or they believe it's hypocritical.  I think disliking the commercial for the first reason I stated is ignorant since English isn't the official language of this country, and there are lots of different people who live in our country.  But I understand the thinking that it's hypocritical.  The commercial paints America as something idyllic, yet we all know it isn't like that.  There's still racism, and the very homosexuals in that commercial can't even get married in most states, which is a shame.  Not to mention, Coca-Cola is the one that made the commercial, so while it's great and sends a message, we all know they just want to sell soda.  I understand being angry, but at the end of the day, it's just a commercial.  There are more important things in life than that, so let's just enjoy it for how beautiful it is.

The Coca-Cola commercial.  Do you think it's controversial?  You be the judge...

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