Saturday, February 22, 2014


My friends who I hang out with at home have this hilarious tradition where we each give each other Gatorade on each others birthdays.  I started the tradition years ago, and looking back, I don't know why I did, but I'm glad I did since it shows how laid back my friends are, and takes the pressure off me getting my friends real presents.  Unfortunately, that philosophy doesn't apply with everyone.  Nor would I want it to.  Recently, when I talked to one of my school friends, they told me that they dreaded getting their friends presents for special occasions.  I didn't understand why since I always thought it was challenging and fun trying to get your friends something, but I could see why she thought that way.  It's tough trying to figure out what to get somebody, especially if you want to make it sincere or have to use a lot of money.  Usually, I escape the problem by getting or making my friends cards, but I know I can't do that for everyone.  So what's a person to do?

That is when my friend and I talked about lists, specifically wishlists.  She said that she preferred her friends tell her what to get them, or give her a wishlist, like on Amazon, but I didn't know if I agreed.  Sure, that makes things simpler, but is it better that way?  Is it fun?  And are you spreading a false message by giving someone what they want, when we all know that you can't have everything you want in life.  Maybe I'm thinking too deep about this, but what do you think?

Question: Do you have/like something like an Amazon wishlist?  What do you think about it?  And do you like being told what to get a person, or having the freedom to choose what to give them?

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