Monday, February 10, 2014


There's an old cliché that "you can never have too much of anything", which can be used for economics, food, etc.  In writing, that's called gratuitousness, in which you can have too much or too little of something, such as a detail.  It's usually seen as a negative since you're doing/giving more than what the read wants, but you can't help doing it because you want to be honest and give it your all.  Speaking on broader terms though, I wonder if gratuitousness in real life really is a bad thing like the cliché says.  Usually, I would say no, but when you eat too much, that's bad for you.  Of if you have too much money or power, that can corrupt you.  I suppose it isn't important, but when I look at people who have too much time on their hands, or are too reliant on technology, I can't help wondering if we have too much.  Having a lot of something is nice and makes everyone feel more secure, but there has to be a limit, or else it would get out of hand. 

What do you think though?  Are people too gratuitous with certain things?     

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