Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Praying For Snow

I usually don't hope for a snow day, but with tomorrow's supposed Nor'easter on the way, and my area likely to get a bulk of it, I'm hoping they cancel classes.  I know we had a snow day just a week ago, but that was on a Wednesday, when I only have one class.  On Thursdays, I have 3 classes, and am on campus for close to 8 hours, which is so tiring, even the teachers want the day off.  Now, I was planning on going out anyways because I have to go back to Boston, but my trip would be a lot easier if I had a head start in the morning.  Guess we won't know for a few hours, but here's hoping.  And if we do have class, at least make it so it isn't that bad.  I'm begging you God!

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