Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow Day

With 8-12 inches of snow currently falling down in my area, school was canceled, as expected.  I'm always happy for a snow day because, like everyone, I always enjoy the time off.  But today is one of the few times in my life when I can honestly say I didn't want one.  I only had one class today, so it wouldn't have been a big deal to go, and the teacher was going to go over a very important essay that's due in a few weeks.  Along with that, I was planning to go to the library and study, but now, I'm stuck at my place.  That's usually a benefit, but with a computer, I'm obviously going to be distracted.  Hopefully, I can just get enough time to make a study sheet and study for my test tomorrow (unless school is canceled).

Of course, the main reason I didn't want a snow day is because I'm sick of this weather.  It's alright during Christmas when it's the holidays and I'm home and able to enjoy it.  But when I'm at school, it's a bother, especially since I have to walk everywhere, which makes everything I do take longer.  It's supposed to stop tomorrow, but if it's really that bad outside, we should just have another snow day.  I don't want one, but anything is better than going outside.

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