Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The "B" Day

We all have those days when we know we aren't on our "A" games.  Sometimes it's something that we even joke about.  But when those days happen, they usually always seem to come at the worst times, which was the case for me yesterday.  My day started off well, but left me with more questions than answers, which is a shame considering how great I felt.

The day started off in my CJ class, where my teacher loved me because I read the chapter and was vocal about it.  I read the assigned chapters all the time (usually more than once), but rarely participate because I'm introverted and the class has close to 100 people in it.  With a class size that big, you don't think you need to speak all the time.  But I felt like I did yesterday, since the other students didn't care, which made the teacher notice me.  Even though that was not my norm, I have to admit that felt good.  Transitioning from that, my Sociology class had the same results.  I usually always talk when we have group discussions, especially when I have to be the facilitator/leader, but yesterday, I was on a roll, contributing my own life stories, asking questions, etc.  It was all really wonderful, and had me pumped for my Spanish test I was going to take later, which was the thing I was nervous about all day.

Now, I was supposed to take this test last week, but with all the snow days and the fact my teacher became sick, it got pushed back.  Usually I jump for joy when something being pushed back, but tests are different.  When I have more time, that usually makes me more anxious.  And since I was so busy, I didn't study as much as I should have.  Even when I did study though, when it came to the test, I froze; I forgot vocabulary words and even forgot the most basic grammar, which was disappointing to me because the test was very straightforward, and 9 times out of 10, I know I'd do better.  But I was the last person finished, and when I handed in my test, I knew I didn't do as well as I should of. I didn't fail, but I didn't ace it, which is what I wanted.  I could be wrong, but I won't know until it's graded.

That was my day yesterday.  In a lot of ways, not much happened, but at the same time, a lot did with everything being out of the ordinary for me.  Considering how good I felt, I wish the results carried over to my test, but I guess I wasn't on my "A" game as much as I thought I was.  I was just at a "C" or a "B", which is what I think I usually am anyways when it comes to school since I always have to try harder.  As I said before, I could be wrong and do better on the test than I thought, but regardless of what grade I get, I know I need to do better and put this day behind me, cause tomorrow, I have another test, which definitely needs me to be on my "A" game.

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