Saturday, March 1, 2014

Disconnected Indefinitely

Whenever something negative happens unexpectedly, it always seems to be out of your control, or happen at the worst possible time.  I know that's not the case for everyone, but that usually happens to me, or is a combination of the two.  Recently, that happened to me when the internet at my place near school suddenly disconnected.  At first, I thought it was just doing what it always does, but once it was offline for 24 hours, I knew it was something serious, and it was.  Long story short, I may not have internet for the next week, which thankfully won't affect me school wise (unless the weather doesn't comply).  Because that is the case, that means I might not be able to blog as much as I want, but hopefully that doesn't happen.  Till then, I hope everyone who reads stays patient.

Thank you!

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