Saturday, March 22, 2014

Malaysian Plane Disappearance

Because I didn't have internet the past few weeks (and still don't, I believe), I was a week late learning about the Malaysian Plane disappearance.  I know something like this gets tons of news coverage, and because of the magnitude of the story, it's something that's going to be talked about, but I didn't hear about it at all prior to my spring break.  It's shocking, but I guess that's what happens when you're an introvert with no internet.  It's scary life is so difficult without connection to the internet and outside world, but that's the age we live in.  But I digress.  Now that I've had a few weeks to learn about the case, I have a few thoughts, like everyone, on the situation.

  • Like many, I hope all the passengers on board are safe, or at least found.  There's always dim hope for this as the time of disappearance increases, especially on something like an aircraft, where survival is very low.  But you have to be hopeful at these times; it's probably the only things the passengers have.
  • Whenever something like this happens, it seems customary that we attach the "terrorism" label to it.  Now, perhaps I should do it since it's something that happened over outside the U.S., but until I know more, I don't want to label the situation.  Although, it obviously isn't good.
  • I find it ironic that people who don't ever follow politics are so interested in this situation.  I understand why, but it'd be nice if they cared about their country as much.
  • I like the fact the U.S. has decided to help out with the search a little.  They're a major superpower, with influence.  And as we've seen throughout history, whenever the U.S decides to help or not is always a big deal.
  • Lastly, I hope things work out like everyone.  Until then, all we can do is wait and watch for the news.

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