Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Saved By The Computer Lab

As a child, one thing I loathed at school was computer classes.  I'm not sure why that was because the teachers I had were all very nice, but I just struggled with computers of all kinds.  I broke them, froze them, misplaced them, and even got a virus on one of them.  It was enough to leave me traumatized, and dislike using computers throughout my years at school, which as you all know, is pretty much impossible considering how often we have to use it for schoolwork.  Eventually, I got over my fear, and got better with computers, which helped lead me to more success.  But with the recent internet outage at my place at school, I realized how important the internet really is.  Yes, we constantly use it, but I don't think I really appreciated it until recently.

That's why I'm so thankful for my school's computer lab.  Without it, I wouldn't be able to do any schoolwork, check grades, or even blog like I'm doing now.  I know there are lots of things about school I dislike, and even if they build me a private wing, I'll still think they take too much money, but I'm grateful for their online resources, which have made me week here a lot easier.

Hope my internet gets fixed soon!  I miss doing things on my own.

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