Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Buying A Scale

Recently, with my blood pressure rising and gain in weight, I decided to make, what was in my mind, one of the few sound purchases of my life, which was a scale.  We have one in my house, like most families, but that scale was getting old, and giving inaccurate readings, so I wanted a new one to measure myself.  With all the different options out there, I was confused which one would be worth buying, but decided on a EatSmart digital one because it had the most buys and customer reviews.  It cost more, but I figured if that many people bought it, then there must be something good about it.

The scale came to my house a few days ago and looks splendid like some minimalist painting; it's white, slim, and glass, but very sturdy for its size, which I like.  Because it was digital and I stink with technology, I thought it would be difficult to set up, but it was actually very easy, and even came with batteries.  My only issue with the scale is that even though it's  consistent, it gives different weights in different rooms, which I understand if I do it on a rug, but all my floors are hardwood, so I don't know what to think.  I don't want to return it, but I want to know my weight.  Such a dilemma; I wish I was healthier, so I didn't have to deal with all this crap, but what's a person to do?

I'm not sure, but I know I'll be checking myself daily.

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