Friday, March 14, 2014

The Spring Break That Isn't

Spring Break officially starts for me today, which would usually be a cause for joyous celebration, but I can't help but not celebrate, because I have a lot of work assigned over break.  Besides the normal homework I would usually have, I also have 2-3 projects that I need to start soon.  They aren't due till April, but before you know it, break will be over.  And if you think about it, we aren't that far from April.  I know I don't have to start anything with so much time, but better safe than sorry.  I just wish that teachers didn't assign so much work over break.  I understand they have to because the school administration, but I don't think they would like having to do so much work over their vacations, so why pin it on us?  I know teachers are very busy, but it's hard to call something break when we still have so much work to do.  But, I'll take it.  I think anyone who has Spring Break this week could use it, and I'm sick and tired of the weather.

Since this is my last Spring Break as a student, I'll try to enjoy it to the fullest!

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