Friday, March 14, 2014

Uncertain Illnesses

I mentioned in one of my recent posts about how I had a muscle spasm, which was not a good feeling.  It's been a week since then, and even though I've recovered for the most part, there are still times when I worry it will come back.  But that is the least of my problems.  I have what I think is a canker sore near the back of my mouth.  It's perfectly common, and is something I and many have had before, but it's painful since it's near the back of my teeth, including my wisdom teeth.  I know it'll go away eventually, but I can't help being concerned whenever I feel pain, or whenever it relates to my health.  Especially since if you count the summer when I had coxsackievirus and strep throat, I've had a rare stretch where I always seem to be ill or hurt. 

With medicine, science, and technology being what it is, you'd think we'd be further progressed in our analysis of illnesses, but I don't think we are.  While we know a lot about diseases like cancer, diabetes, HIV, etc, for obvious reasons, we don't know anything about small things canker sores or coxsackievirus, which annoys me since these aren't major things, and the only thing you can do is wait for it to heal.  It's nice I don't have to do anything, but it's painful, and makes me wish there was more certainty or research with certain things pertaining to health.  But hopefully, I'm on the road to recovery, or at least figure out for sure what I have if I am ill.

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