Sunday, March 9, 2014

Muscle Spasms

Over the past few days, I experienced something I had never had before, which was a muscle spasm in my lower back.  I had had my share of feet and leg cramps, but nothing internally I had compared to the pain I felt.  Especially when it happened, which was when I was washing dishes.  I'm minding my own business, until I feel the sharpest pain in my lower back.  At first, I thought it was just part of my body being stiff, that could just be cracked, but it wasn't.  No matter what I did, the pain didn't subside; it even hurt to lie down or stand, making me wonder if something serious had happened to me.

Luckily, after researching, I realized what I had, and followed directions how to get better.  I stay hydrated, got exercise, and took some medicine like Advil.  Most of the pain I have is gone now, but it's still hard to get up sometimes when I go to sleep.  Hopefully, I never have to go through something like this again, but if I do, at least I'll be prepared.

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