Sunday, February 23, 2014

Hair Fascination

As I sit here playing with my hair, a few thoughts run through my mind.  I need a haircut, I have way too much time on my hands, and hair is just so damn fascinating!  Did I lose you there?  Let me explain.  Hair has always been fascinating to me, just because it's hair.  Women obsess about it and consider it sacrilege to touch or even ask about it, while most guys I know don't care two licks about it.  But to me, hair is cool.  As mine grows out, I can't help but wonder how I must look to another person with my spiky hair.  What about all the gray hairs I have?  People always joke about how cool it'd be to have silver hair like in video games, but no one ever said anything about gray, which means I'm too stressed or something is up with me genetically.  And what about when my hair eventually stops growing.  It's a fate that won't happen to everyone, but I know it will happen to me one day because all the men in my family have some form of hair loss.  So, while I complain about waking up and having to wash and make my hair look neat, I should enjoy the time I get to spend playing with it because one day, it'll be gone. 

Still, there's just so much I don't get about it.  It's a part of us, but it's something we often take for granted.

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