Friday, February 14, 2014

Love Day

Yesterday, I prayed for a snow day and got it.  And while that alone would be enough for me to rejoice and celebrate, that's not the only reason I'm feeling good today.  I'm happy because Valentine's Day (or Love Day, as I call it) is here once again.  Last year, when I blogged about this holiday, I kept wondering why people disliked it.  Was it because they didn't have somebody, the materialism of it, or did it people just hate that couples needed a day to show someone they cared?  I'm sure the reason why people dislike Love Day is a mix of all those reasons, but after thinking about it, my opinion of the day is still the same, which is that I love it!  Yes, there are negative aspects to it, but all holidays have that.  Love Day is a day where love is the central theme of the day.  I know that can be tiring and even unecessarily dramatic, but it's still a beautiful thing when it goes right for two people.

Now, since I've never been in a relationship, you'd think a day like this would bring me down, but while it has in the past, it doesn't much anymore because I know good, deserving people who are happy.  A few of them are in relationships, while others aren't, but the point of the day is that they're happy and spreading the feeling of love and togetherness all around.  That might not focus specifically on love, like Love day entails, but as long as you have people around you that care, you can find love in all sorts of ways besides the traditional way.

Happy Love Day everyone!  If you have plans tonight, I hope they go well.  And shout out to my friend Steph, whose favorite day is Love Day! 

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